Sunday, 2 May 2010

Taxi Films Global

Bongo Reef Pictures 4th HD Short "Taxi" made the official selection with the Short Film Festival of Los Angeles. One of the films within the film called "New Information" was finalist at the Angry Film Festival in Melbourne and is also showing at the Time Film Festival in Switzerland.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Wonders of the solar system

Seems like everyone liked the film tonight. If yiou missed it, see it on the BBC I-player or watch it Tuesday BBC2 at 7pm. And did you spot a few brucie bonus moments. The line from Star Wars? The connection with the 6 Million Dollar Man? And the book by some famous Physicist?

Friday, 5 March 2010

space - tastic

Explore The Solar System

Wonders of the Solar System
Sunday March 7th BBC Two, 9.00 pm

Space Hoppers
Tuesday March 9th BBC Two, 7.30 am

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Prof Cox talking about Wonders of the Solar System

In telegraph...

Monday, 1 March 2010

Wonders of the Solar System

Wonders of the Solar System will start this sunday 7th March 9pm on BBC2. I shot the stuff in India for the solar eclipse...

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Female Actor 65+ for Super8 Straight8 Film

Seeking a talented female actor with playing age 65+ for the lead role in our new Super8 Straight8 project. Film is 'Home Help' about a lonely elderly lady who seeks home help, but has murder on the mind. No dialogue. Planned to shoot saturday 27 March in Eltham London SE9. Offer expenses and food, and a chance to be screened at Cannes if we are shortlisted.

We subscribe to the Protecting Actors Casting Agreement (')

Watch Bongo Reef's TAXI films on BBC Big Screen

Three of the four films from Bongo Reef Pictures' Taxi Quadrilogy will be showing once a day for a month on the BBC Big Screens dotted all over the country. 'Playing Against the Clock' by Howard Rayner, 'New Information' by Eleanor Tucker and 'Nick' by Paul May, PLUS our welsh language film 'Run for your Life'. Big Screens located in Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Derby, Dover, Edinburgh, Greenwich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Swansea, Swindon and Waltham Forest.

Dino Drama

Writing some dinosaur drama for new BBC series called Planet Dinosaur. Writing an interaction between a small dino called Leaellynasaura who lives in burrows in a region that will become Melbourne in Australia, and a Megaraptor who comes in with his big claws and rips open their burrow and eats them...